
How can I get my brakes repaired at my home?


Yes, our mobile mechanics can repair your brakes or install new ones right in your driveway, or even the parking lot at your office. Brake work is completed in two steps: an initial inspection to figure out which brakes need repairs or replacing, and then a follow-up appointment to complete the work.


Never wait in a mechanic's shop again

Firestone Direct lets you have our mobile mechanics service your vehicle right in your driveway, garage or parking spot. Schedule an appointment in minutes.



Scheduling is Easy

There are a few pieces of info we need ahead of your service.

  • Car
    The year, make and model of your vehicle

    We might be able to figure it out from your license plate.

  • Geo Pin
    The address where you want service

    Somewhere safe you can grant the technician access to.

  • Calendar
    An available date and time that works for you
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