All the services for your car, right at home.

Our mobile mechanics and fully-equipped service vans offer 12 different categories of service that you can have performed on your car right in your driveway or parking space.

Popular Services

Why search for a nearby mechanic when you can set up an appointment with Firestone Direct? Have our mobile mechanic fix your car right at your home or office. Our mobile vehicle service comes to you.

Oil Change

Our oil extraction technology helps us remove used oil through the engine before replacing it with the optimal oil for your vehicle.

Battery Replacement

Get the car battery replacement service you need with a smart diagnostic test and a replacement if needed.

Tire Repair

Get your flat tire repaired fast with a patch or a plug right on-site, so you can get back on the road.

New Tires & Installation

Let our mobile mechanics take care of everything and install your new tires right at your home or office.

Tire Services


Get your flat tires replaced with premium brand tires. Our expert tire service comes right to you.

Seasonal Tire Changeover

We will make sure your vehicle is ready for summer or winter driving with our mobile tire changeover service.


You need to rotate your tires regularly to avoid uneven wear. Our mobile tire rotation service does just that.

Tire Repair

Get your flat repaired fast with our mobile tire service. We even complete a courtesy check of all your tires.

Maintenance Services


Our mobile mechanics inspect all your brakes before scheduling a follow-up to complete repairs right where you live.


Don’t put off an oil change because you don’t have time to go to a mechanic nearby. Our service comes to you.

Battery replacement

Whether you need a battery check or a battery replacement our mobile mechanic service has you covered.


Get a courtesy check of your vehicle with any Firestone Direct service. We’ll check your tires and fluids for free.

Parts Services


Our mobile mechanics will bring you the right wiper blades for your vehicle and install it for you fast.


Get a new cabin air filter installed with our mobile service to improve air quality in your car.


A bad engine air filter will reduce engine performance and cause premature engine wear. Let us help you replace it.

Parts Services Image 4

Our mobile auto service delivers new headlights bulbs, installs them and properly disposes of your old bulbs.



Scheduling is Easy

There are a few pieces of info we need ahead of your service.

  • Car
    The year, make and model of your vehicle

    We might be able to figure it out from your license plate.

  • Geo Pin
    The address where you want service

    Somewhere safe you can grant the technician access to.

  • Calendar
    An available date and time that works for you
Schedule Now