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Service on Your Schedule: How Customized Maintenance Plans Keep Your Fleet on the Move


Staying on top of fleet maintenance schedules can be a full-time job. For business owners and fleet managers, a customized service plan can help streamline and automate the process. It can also help fleet managers focus on their business needs rather than the maintenance needs of each individual vehicle. Firestone Direct has extensive experience in adapting maintenance schedules to fit the needs of businesses of all sizes. Find out more about how a customized service plan can help keep your fleet up and running on schedule.


The Challenge of Maintenance for Fleets

A single vehicle requires constant maintenance, inspections, and repairs to keep running smoothly. When you multiply that by the number of vehicles in a fleet and operation or downtime limitations, maintaining an optimized service schedule for a fleet can be challenging. Even if you have a good idea of required maintenance, keeping track of the changing needs of an entire fleet can be time-consuming.

That’s where an experienced technician omes in. Not only can they help you anticipate your fleet maintenance needs, but they can help you streamline the process and keep your schedule on track.


Get started with Firestone Direct fleet services

Firestone Direct is here to keep your vehicles on the road. To learn how we can partner to maximize your fleet's value, click below to get in contact with our dedicated customer service team.

Customize Your Fleet Maintenance with Firestone Direct


At Firestone Direct, our expert mobile mechanics are trained to maintain fleets in a range of industries, including:


  • Last Mile Delivery
  • Fleet management companies
  • Government fleet vehicles
  • Car and truck rental companies
  • Small to medium service businesses


Customizing your fleet service plan ensures your vehicles are getting the attention they need when they need them most, to keep your vehicles on the road. Our experts can help you come up with the right plan for your business by taking a few things into consideration.



Service on your schedule


When are your peak hours? We can custom schedule regular service to avoid those times so you don’t have to worry about one or more of your vehicles being out of commission when you need it most. To minimize operational impacts on your business, we’ll find a fleet service appointment time that works best for you.


Services you need


Are you looking for coverage for routine maintenance like tire rotations and oil changes? Or do you want our visits to come with full inspections and a preventative maintenance roadmap for the entire fleet? We’ll find the right balance of services for your needs and budget — and we can always adjust on the go to build on our partnership. 


Scalable services


Our goal is to set up a unique service plan that makes sense for your business. Our regular complimentary lot checks and digital vehicle inspections (DVI) are designed to identify your service needs and help us create a plan. Our approach eliminates the need for in-shop services and simplifies the process of tracking your fleet’s health.


Service tailored to each vehicle


When you work with one service provider exclusively, it’s easier to keep track of the maintenance history of each vehicle. We’ll keep records and send you digital vehicle inspection (DVI) reports, so you have them too. This is how we keep track of what needs immediate attention and what is currently running smoothly. DVI reports also help with creating timelines for upcoming maintenance needs. When you already have necessary appointments pre-booked, you’re free to think about other areas of the business that might need your attention.


Service that comes to you

As a mobile tire and maintenance service provider, Firestone Direct comes to you. Whether that’s a fleet yard where vehicles are parked during off hours or a lot close to your business address, our fully equipped service vans are stocked for the purpose of completing maintenance without going to a shop.

Save Time with Firestone Direct


As a fleet manager or business owner, we know you have a lot on your plates without having to worry about everything that goes into maintaining multiple vehicles of varying ages and conditions. A customized service plan takes the guesswork out of scheduling maintenance. Not only will you know exactly what the next service need is so you can proactively schedule, but you don’t have to spend time making calls and making individual appointments for each vehicle.

Get Started

Ready to maximize your fleet with Firestone Direct Mobile Fleet Services?

To set up your business account and schedule your first appointment, click Get Started or give us a call 1-844-338-0819!