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5 Essential Tire Services for Fleet Vehicles


If you’re running a business that requires a fleet of vehicles, regular tire maintenance is essential. Not only can issues like uneven tire wear or low tire pressure be indicators of bigger problems, but they can also lead to lower fuel economy and decreased handling and performance. Firestone Direct’s fleet lot check and tire health report are designed to help you keep track of the status and condition of each tire on every vehicle in your fleet.

These are the main tire services we recommend to ensure you’re getting the most out of every tire in your fleet.


1.  Tire Rotation

In front-wheel drive vehicles, front tires wear out almost twice as fast as rear tires. Rotating your tires every 7,500 miles or 6 months is key to slow down tire wear and make sure all four tires are wearing evenly. 


The right tire rotation pattern may depend on the vehicles in your fleet and the type of tires they are equipped with. Firestone Direct mobile specialists can recommend the right rotation pattern and how often to book a rotation, whether it’s based on miles driven or a period of time.

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2.  Wheel Balancing


Keeping all four tires balanced is important for ensuring a vehicle runs smoothly. Imbalanced wheels can cause vibration, excessive tire wear, damage to the suspension, and reduced fuel mileage. Tires can become imbalanced due to low tire pressure or losing wheel weight in one or more tires after hitting a pothole or curb at a high speed. Generally, tires should be checked and adjusted during tire rotation appointments.

Our mobile service vans are fully equipped to take care of your tires, including a wheel balancer onboard. A Firestone Direct specialist can test each wheel on site and add weights to properly balance the wheel assembly and get your vehicle rolling smoothly again.

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3.  Tire Tread Check

Irregular tire tread wear patterns can be a symptom of a number of issues with your vehicle ranging from alignment problems to worn-out suspension to over- or under-inflated tires. Shoulder, center, cupping or patchy wear are some of the common irregular wear patterns to watch out for. Rotating tires regularly should keep tread wear even across all tires, but if it doesn’t, there might be a bigger problem.

Firestone Direct’s fleet lot check includes a thorough tread depth check and tread wear inspection. If tread depth is approaching 2/32”, it’s time to replace the tires entirely.


4.  Tire Pressure

Proper tire pressure ensures your tires are functioning the way they were designed to. Tires naturally lose about 1 psi of pressure per month, so checking the pressure regularly is a good habit to get into. If you notice that they are losing pressure more quickly than average, there may be a slow leak that needs repair. The right tire pressure for your tires depends on the type of vehicle and tire. A Firestone Direct specialist can recommend the right tire pressure and adjust it if needed.

The condition of your valve stem is an important factor in maintaining proper air pressure. If the tire valves are beginning to crack or have fallen off, air seepage is likely. Inspect the tire valve once a month when you’re topping up air pressure and replace it if necessary. 


5.  Flat Repair

Some flat tires can be repaired, while others cannot. Firestone Direct specialist can inspect a flat tire, determine what caused it to go flat, and recommend the best option, either repair or replacement. Minor puncture holes can sometimes be plugged and patched, but it depends where the damage is located. If the damage is considered too close to the sidewall, the only option will be to replace the tire. 


Make sure your drivers know not to drive on a flat tire. Not only can it be dangerous, but it can damage the sidewall and render the tire unrepairable. Instead, have a protocol in place for how drivers should handle a flat tire—either calling a tow truck or switching out the flat for the spare before getting back on the road.  


How Firestone Direct Can Help

Our fleet lot check and tire health report are designed to help you keep up with tire inspections and make the most out of your fleet tires. Our mobile specialists come directly to your business’ fleet lot at a time that is convenient for you and inspect all four tires on each vehicle, plus any spare tires. You’ll then receive service recommendations and can make any additional appointments for one or multiple vehicles. 

From new tire installation to tire repair and tire rotations, we can complete a range of tire services. Get started with Firestone Direct today to streamline your fleet’s tire maintenance needs and minimize unexpected vehicle downtime.

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